The Danish folk love to enjoy themselves, they're considered the happiest people in the world! Why so? Is it because they know what eat? Or because they always manage to come up with just the right excuse and time to sit around the kitchen table with friends and family and enjoy a really good "fika" in Swedish or "hygge" in Danish. (Fika/hygge : pronounced feekah, pronounced heggae, the basic meaning "to have coffee" or when you eat cake, cookies or sandwich.) Hygge basically means "cozy."
It's a time to relax and just enjoy the simple things in life, like laughter, a good old decent conversation, a time where stress and worries have no place. They say socializing often is good for the mind, to have somebody to share your thoughts with, friends or family to share a bite and a laugh with. The Danish people do it best! I think because they never forget to "hygge."
What do Danish folk usually "hygge" on? Or enjo...